Can Hearing Aids Help You Live Longer?

05/22/2024 | Hearing Aids, Patient Resources

Regular use of hearing aids, and utilizing hearing care’s many benefits, could help you live longer and healthier.

You may have seen some of the intriguing but concerning studies that have been published recently that connect your hearing health with your lifestyle and cognitive functions.  

Your auditory functions have long been linked to several other parts of your body. Untreated hearing loss can lead to cognitive decline, balance disorders, social isolation, and more, but the key word here is untreated. 

If you’re reading this and looking for a sign that you should look into hearing care, let us give you one with a more hopeful research result: hearing aids, when used consistently and correctly, can actually help you live longer. 

This study, taken on by Dr. Janet Choi from Keck School of Medicine from the University of Southern California, studied how regular use of hearing aids helped almost 10,000 participants that had some form of hearing loss challenges. 

Dr. Choi reported that the patients who wore their devices regularly had a 24% lower risk of premature mortality compared to the group that didn’t wear hearing aids at all. 

Hearing loss happens gradually, and it isn’t a visible challenge that others can see. When people neglect to wear their hearing aids consistently, they’ll never adapt to wearing them every day, and their hearing loss challenge will gradually worsen over time. 

Dr. Choi’s study, however, brings a new light on the matter. Regular use of hearing aids, and utilizing hearing care’s many benefits, could help you live longer and healthier. 


Lower risk of premature mortality

How Can Hearing Care Help Me Live Longer? 

Dr. Choi emphasizes that hearing aids are not the one solution to living a longer life and tackling hearing loss, but that regular use of hearing aids and taking care of your hearing brings that decreased rate of premature mortality. 

Just 12% of Dr. Choi’s participants wore their hearing aids outside of the study – something that Dr. Choi, a hearing aid user herself, found surprising given that they saw the benefits of hearing care while working with her. 

It makes sense that people shy away from hearing care; the negative stigmas associated with hearing aids about aging aren’t the prettiest. But that stigma is changing as more young people recognize the benefits of hearing aids and looking after their ears.  

Prescription hearing aid technology is vastly different than before: modern, sleek, more powerful, and much more discreet. Some models are fitted deep into your ear canal, entirely invisible to the naked eye!  

“I really want to encourage any people experiencing hearing difficulties to seek care,”

Dr. Choi said in an interview with TIME.

“I’ve tried at least three different hearing aids. But when I found the one that really fit me and that I liked, I was surprised by the sound that I was missing.” 

Concerned about Your Hearing? 

Hearing loss affects almost 38 million American adults – with the help of professional hearing care, you can strengthen your memory, stay steady on your feet, and live longer, happier, and healthier. 

Our passionate team of hearing care specialists is here to help you, no matter where you are on your hearing health journey.

If you have questions about what we offer or concerns about your unique situation, please feel free to request a callback and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.  

For a more immediate conversation or to schedule an appointment with us, you can call us at (325) 437-4730. 

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Dr. Kelsi Mangrem AU.D, FAAA

Dr. Kelsi Mangrem received her Bachelor of Science degree in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, as well as her Doctorate of Audiology from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC). Whether a patient, employee, or industry colleague, the philosophy of service to others resonates throughout her character.

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