Technology is advancing quickly, meaning hearing aids have seen a considerable progression over the past few years.
However, just like any regular piece of technology, they are prone to becoming outdated.
With hearing being so important to your daily function, you want the best technology to assist you in your daily life.
Yet is it worth upgrading, or can you get away with holding on to it for a bit longer?
How long Do Hearing Aids Last?
Hearing aids, on average last between 5-7 years.
However, those keen on staying up to date with the best technology will go as little as 1-2 years between devices. For others, it may be as long as 10 years!
It really depends on personal preference, with each individual having different factors to consider.
When Is the Right Time to Upgrade?
With technology quickly advancing, we see massive industry changes that are identifiable by just a three-year gap. In that short space of time, you can hear a significant difference in sound quality.
Not only will you see an overall improvement in your hearing, but regularly upgrading allows your brain to continue comprehending without working so hard due to listening fatigue.
How Does This Affect You Long-Term?
Studies have shown that those with hearing loss who are not wearing appropriate devices utilize the brain areas for retention and comprehension to decipher what is being said.
Ultimately, this results in “listening fatigue,” where the individual has to work harder to translate the information.
This also presents itself as irritability, anxiety, or maybe even depression due to constant frustration in social situations.
What Should I do With My Old Hearing Aids?
Unfortunately, many people across Abilene aren’t as fortunate as others meaning they don’t get the same opportunities as others.
As hearing is so primary to everyday communication, it has a major effect on an individual’s ability to live a fulfilling life.
That’s why we have partnered with United Way of Abilene to create the Holland Hearing Give Hear Program.
All hearing aids donated to this program, whether by utilizing our trade in-program or just by good-will, are going to someone locally in need. This gives someone who otherwise wouldn’t get the opportunity to access better hearing and significantly improve their quality of life.
Our goal is to fit at least 1-2 people per month through this program and continue changing people’s lives through better hearing. Click here to speak to a member of our team and inquire about this program.
If you or a loved one is ready to upgrade your devices or want advice on your options, contact us today to find out more.