Does Medicare Cover Hearing Care And Hearing Aids?

02/16/2023 | Industry News, Insurance, Patient Resources

We are on your side and work for you to ensure you get the best care possible, both physically and financially

Insurance coverage can be a confusing part of getting the proper healthcare. This is no different when it comes to your hearing. We face insurance questions every day in our office and have become very proficient in working with these companies.

We take extra care in understanding all these programs so that we can get the best out of any of them for you.

Dealing with insurance can be a discouraging process when trying to get your hearing aids. There is a lot of red tape, and at times it can seem that it’s impossible to get the help you need. A lot of patients quit at this point.

Research at Johns Hopkins University indicates that a reduction in your capacity to hear degrades your cognitive abilities and puts you at a greater risk for the early onset of dementia and other destructive physical and mental health conditions.

Fortunately, proper hearing care reduces these risks and allows you to continue your active and independent lifestyle without skipping a beat.

Because providing hearing healthcare is our number one passion and concern, we want to ensure you receive everything you need from your insurance program. We are on your side and work for you to ensure you get the best care possible, both physically and financially.

However, each patient’s situation is different. We have been asked every question under the sun regarding hearing insurance and have had answers for every one of them.

Of all the questions we’ve been asked, here are the most common.

Does Medicare Cover Hearing Care And Hearing Aids?

This is the most popular question we face and with good reason. There is so much fine print regarding insurance policies that it’s hard to know what exactly you are getting.

Medicare will cover your hearing assessment if you have met your deductible and have a physician referral. This is a huge advantage to patients so they can get a professional opinion on what is happening with their hearing.

As hearing care professionals, we use hearing assessments to get the full story on how you hear and where you can improve. If there is a problem, we can identify it right away.

With this information, we can also devise a plan for your future. Using the data collected, we will take action immediately.

Even though Medicare does not cover hearing aids, we are here to help any way we can and work closely with you to create a tailored plan to suit your lifestyle and financial circumstances.

What If Your Insurance Doesn’t Cover Hearing Aids?

Right now, the internet and local pharmacies are flooded with over-the-counter remedies for hearing loss. There are drops, pills, devices, and much more, all with the promise of getting you to hear better.

This can be more confusing than the insurance policy, and we have a lot of experience dealing with these types of treatments. While we don’t recommend OTC hearing aids as a first option, some products out there could help you depending on your condition.

Additionally, some patients have a supplement or secondary insurance policy that may have a hearing aid benefit. If that isn’t an option, a lot of our patients look at out-of-pocket options. We offer plans that suit most, if not all budgets.

What Are Your Options?

If you have no additional insurance coverage and do not qualify for Medicare Advantage plans, you will be forced to consider other limited alternatives to come up with the revenue necessary to invest in hearing aids.

For those who qualify, there are some programs for hearing-related benefits offered through Medicaid. Your only alternative will be various private programs designed to assist those without sufficient coverage to purchase their hearing aids.

How Many Patients Choose Medicare? (Age 65+)

Medicare is the most popular program that we see in our office. Despite this fact, we still maintain relationships and stay up to date with other major programs.

Currently, just over 78% of our patients have Medicare as their primary insurance. If you have Medicare and have any questions, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We are prepared to handle all your inquiries.

What Should I Do If I Have Any More Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Medicare or any other insurance program, then we invite you to fill out the form on this page to check your insurance benefits.

Alternatively, you can call our friendly team – they are qualified and passionate about helping everyone in Abilene and the surrounding area live a life with healthy hearing.

Our Insurance Experts Are Eager to Help

Even though Medicare’s failure to assist with your hearing aids’ cost is discouraging, the overall benefits hearing aids provide for a better quality of life make trying all possible avenues well worth the effort.

There are many ways to pay for hearing aids and hearing care that you might not be aware of, but our insurance experts at Holland Hearing Center want to make sure you get the help you need, and we work hard to help you find a way to invest in your hearing health.

Click here to submit our form to help determine your coverage and let us find the help you need, or call us at (325) 437-4730 for more information about the various options available.

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Dr. Kelsi Mangrem AU.D, FAAA

Dr. Kelsi Mangrem received her Bachelor of Science degree in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, as well as her Doctorate of Audiology from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC). Whether a patient, employee, or industry colleague, the philosophy of service to others resonates throughout her character.

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