Hearing loss can present itself in a variety of different ways. We have helped thousands of patients in Abilene manage their specific types of hearing loss. Our biggest challenge is to help patients understand where their hearing loss came from.
Many patients try to self-diagnose using the internet, and there is no shortage of answers there. However, these answers may not pertain to your specific issue. When purchasing products online, there is no assessment or evaluation done to identify your key issue.
We have developed this article and many others to assist the residents of Abilene in acquiring more information about hearing loss in general.
One of the most common ailments is presbycusis. We see this a lot and want to address some of the most common questions we face from patients.
What Is Presbycusis Hearing Loss?
Presbycusis is hearing loss due to the aging process. It is gradual and typically affects the high frequencies. Patients may not be able to hear the microwave beeping, the doorbell, or any high-pitched phone rings.
Patients experiencing this usually tell me, “I can hear just fine. I just can’t always understand.” This is due to the different pitches in people’s voices. For example, they may be able to hear male voices easier than children’s voices.
What Causes Presbycusis Hearing Loss?
The leading cause of presbycusis is aging. As your inner and middle ear change over time, it can be more difficult for your brain to process the sounds.
However, should you have an existing hearing loss due to excessive noise exposure over time, diabetes, or heart problems, this will increase your chances of this type of loss developing.
Is It Only Age Related?
Presbycusis is most commonly developed over time as the functions of your ear slowly start to deteriorate. However, if any of the above conditions exist, then a patient can develop this condition earlier.
Loud noises are the number one contributor to accelerating hearing loss. This is in large part due to employment. Those who work in a factory or deal with heavy machinery are at a high risk of developing presbycusis earlier than most.
We always advise these patients to take extra precautions when in this line of work. Ear protection or earplugs are the best way to prevent severe hearing loss.
How Is Presbycusis Hearing Loss Treated?
In most cases, this type of loss is best treated with hearing devices or assistive technology.
With the advancement of technology, hearing aids now come with a wide array of functions and settings. Our experienced team knows all the ins and outs of these devices and can perfectly match your hearing problem with the correct hearing aid.
Other options may include compensatory strategies such as placing yourself away from noisy areas and ensuring the person you want to understand is in front of you, looking at you.
What To Do If You Suspect You Have Presbycusis?
Because this condition comes on so gradually, it’s never too early to get a comprehensive hearing assessment done. These tests will show us exactly how you hear so we can pinpoint your exact issue.
Sometimes this can present itself in a loved one who is having a hard time admitting their problem. If this is happening to you, we suggest you come along with your loved one and get a test yourself.
Having the support will be appreciated by your loved one, and you will also be taking a significant step forward in maintaining your healthy hearing.
Call us any time with your questions, as we are always available to have a friendly and no-obligation chat about your hearing health.