Why We’re Passionate About Healthy Hearing | Hearing Health Awareness Month

04/24/2024 | Patient Resources

Why We’re Passionate About Healthy Hearing
During previous Hearing Health Awareness Months, we engaged with the community about the importance of discussing any concerns with us.
The reason for this was simple: many people waited years before scheduling their first hearing appointment, and during this time, their problems worsened.
Everyone at Holland Hearing was so thankful to those who spoke to loved ones about a possible hearing loss over those weeks.
Together, we ensured that people throughout Abilene received the right assistance as soon as possible.
These were some of the reasons why we were passionate about the work we did daily.

It’s a vital connection

Hearing loss is a disability that you can’t see. But people with untreated conditions often struggle with their symptoms every day.

These including the obvious things, like misunderstanding conversations and having to ask others to repeat themselves.

But they also include less well known side-effects, such as losing the ability to connect with loved ones and suffering emotional distress.

It’s always an amazing moment when our specialists give someone back the gift of hearing.

People who have withdrawn from society suddenly return to their former selves and are ready to take on new, exciting challenges.

The numbers are growing

We tend to imagine that hearing loss only affects those who’ve experienced a lifetime of incredible sounds. But increasingly, it’s younger people who are most at risk.

Frequently, our specialists are helping those in their thirties and forties – and even in their teens – get the right treatment.

The reason for this is that modern life isn’t kind to our ears, and though many aren’t aware, simple, everyday lifestyle choices can do significant harm to them.

This includes going out to music events and concerts without protection, which recent studies have shown often results in early-stage hearing losses.

The Holland Hearing team is passionate about spreading awareness as much as possible and ensuring nothing stops those with worries seeking assistance.

Hearing loss can be halted

You can easily lower the risks of a hearing loss if you take the right precautions. And that’s why the Holland Hearing team are so passionate about hearing loss prevention strategies.

In Abilene, we speak to many hunters who aren’t aware of the amazing technology that’s available, which will both enhance their experiences and stop a hearing loss.

These custom devices not only amplify higher frequencies, so you can hear an animal’s footsteps, they also cut out excessively loud sounds when you pull your trigger.

In addition, the team can provide music filters to concert-goers, which allows them to appreciate high-quality sounds while protecting their ears.

If you’re interested in learning more about these fantastic products, let us know!

Do you have a concern or know someone who might? Contact the team at Holland Hearing, and they’ll go the extra mile to help you!

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Dr. Kelsi Mangrem AU.D, FAAA

Dr. Kelsi Mangrem received her Bachelor of Science degree in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, as well as her Doctorate of Audiology from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC). Whether a patient, employee, or industry colleague, the philosophy of service to others resonates throughout her character.

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